Friday, April 17, 2009

fast ride and a bad quiz

This week I have bombed my first quiz for the semester and I am very glad it wasn't worth much. It hit me in the right moment to realize that the semester isn't over yet and if I wanna graduate with honors I need to keep up the work. I need to complete a huge ass 25 page paper by Sunday night, 3 past due lab reports and I just got a new research paper that is due next week. Well lets start working on it...
On Monday after my 30 mile ride I was kicked out of the CCSU pool 1000 yards to early because they life guards felt like going home. I don't think there was any other reason but I don't blame them. It's not the most exciting job to wait until someone needs to be fished out of the water. The next day I swam with Rob and Josie if you wanna call it that. They basically past me a million times just because they can. It is fun to at least have someone next to you that you can try to hold on to for 25 yards. I did 3300 yards that day +-100 yards for miscounting the lanes.
Today I was sitting in the library for 6 hours working on my paper but at the end I couldn't take it any longer so I decided to go for a 30 mile ride over Talcott Mountain into Simsbury were I turned and went back. The weather was amazing for the first time this season and using that enthusiasm of mine I cranked out my fasted ride for the season at 21.36 mph average. My goal for the season must be a 22 mph average over 56 miles....nothing else counts.
So now I will get back to my paper because tomorrow I am going for a longer ride with Josie and Rob...

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