Friday, August 15, 2008

How do you spend your Birthday???

Today was my birthday and I ran and rode my bike. Not a bad way to spend your birthday. I went on my bike for 34km which gave me some time to think about LIFE. When I ride my bike I think a lot and when I think a lot I try to plan ahead for the future. Usually I come up with some new projects or ideas that will keep me busy. I think that's the reason why I love biking because it frees my mind. I was enjoying some alone time. After the ride I went for a 4 mile run with Oskar. Later at night me and my close friends (Oskar and Fillipa: "The Sweds") went out for dinner and drinks. I might treat myself to a new snowboard jacket and pants but I haven't really decided on that.
I was wondering what other people like to do on their birthdays. How do you like to spend your birthday?

P.S. Thank you Pola (and parents) for all the presents and the work you put into preparing the calendar for me. I don't know how you remembered all those small things about me but it surely put a smile on my face every morning. I can't wait to come to Vienna. Love you!


Mr. Satan A. Chilles said...

Happy Birthday.... sounds like you had a good one, doing what you enjoy the most. Which is how I usually spend mine, it's in early spring and the weather is usually good enough to get outside.

My best birthday in recent years was spent running the Paris Marathon, so I'd have to say something like that is how I like to celebrate. And not that I ever really worry about it, but eating whatever I want, all day, is also on the agenda.

Judi said...

Happy Bday!!! I like to do some kind of endurance run/ride on my bday. It started last year (my 1st year doing tri's). I rode 42 miles. This year was a bad year cuz me and D were broken up and the weather was crappy. I also know some ultra runners that run the miles of the bday they turn (like, if you turn 35 you run 35).

Glad you had a great day!

Bob Almighty said...

Happy belated birthday man! Sorry I didn't send this earlier.

I don't think spending your birthday training, is too bad. I spent my 22nd B-day recovering from the Country Music Marathon the day before.