Sunday, August 31, 2008

knee issues and trader @ brokerjet

I have 2 weeks to go and I am not feeling to good. I mean I am ok but my knee is giving me a hard time. On Tuesday the 26th I went to NYC for two days and there I must have done something to my knee. It might have been too much walking or the Strawberry Daiquiris that night or maybe both in combination... Today I went out for a 21km test ride to see how my knee reacts and it felt just fine until I started walking. The different motions on the bike don't hurt my knee. The only problem I have is when I fully extend my leg and put pressure on it. I get a stabbing pain on the side as if my knee is going to collapse sideways.
Tomorrow I will go for a run. Weird as it sounds but I think that even running won't hurt. It's just the damn walking. As long as I can run I am happy. Who needs to walk anyways???

In 4 days I am taking off to Vienna...I am excited. Pola will pick me up from the airport at 7am. I will be moving in with her for my time in Vienna. She is a bit nervous about me moving in since she never lived with her boyfriends but I think we will be doing just fine. A little family life is always exciting.

Over the last two days I have prepared an applications for a stock trader training program in Vienna ( Taking an application picture was an adventure. Oskar (the worst and most impatient photographer) took my picture. After about 40 I found one where my smile didn't look like an idiot. With Photoshop Pola and I worked some miracles to adjust the bad lighting and my tired eyes.

I sent my application out last night. Deadline is today and selection of the participants tomorrow. If I get in I will bust my ass to do well. This can be a great chance for my future career. I am not sure if I want to go that direction but it sure sounds interesting to me. If I don't get in I can participate in a bunch of free trader seminars which will be cool too. Let's see what's gonna happen...wish me luck.


MichelleYTriMom said...

Hey Bjorn! You just arrived in Austria and I am glad you have this time with Pola (Hello Pola!) but I miss you you already!!!!!

My goal is to learn to swim...wink wink and just forget about me and flip turns ha ha! This weekend I will be back in the pool for 100 laps or so YIKES and I will send you the pictures of us at my last triathlon.

As far as those old knees of yours you could probably benefit from total knee replacements or patellar taping. Please see a Doctor, trainer, or physical therapist while you are there.

Judi said...

I hope you don't have IT band issues. Good luck with your new adventures!

Bob Almighty said...

Good luck in Vienna man!

By the way did I mention I'm jealous